The Journalism of Trauma

So, I didn’t write for many months after I created this blog. I went off to Iraq and when I returned, I could not navigate through some technical difficulties, and I abandoned this.But I just returned from an invigorating week in Chicago — yes, the windy city is still celebrating the historical electoral victory of …

Sons and daughters

In the past few days, I have spoken with fathers and the mothers destroyed by this war.  Their children came home in flag-draped coffins that photographers are not allowed to shoot. I had breakfast with one of them this morning. Jeff Brunson copes as best he can but you can see the sorrow in his …

Why Evil Reporter Chick?

A platoon sergeant wrote that on my helmet band when I was with his unit in Baghdad in 2006. It stuck. He wrote it most affectionately, of course, but it correctly represents the underlying tension between the media and the military. Soldiers laugh when they see it. And it has even helped me get a …

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