
Today is the eight anniversary of the Iraq war. That fact got lost in all the breaking news, most significantly, the U.S. use of force against Libya. It reminded me of George W. Bush’s intention to remove Saddam Hussein. The term “regime change” did not surface much but that’s essentially what’s going on in Libya, right? The United States would not be leading the charge … Continue reading War

What's in a word?

Journalists in newsrooms across the globe have been grappling with the language they use in telling the story of the Libyan uprising. It’s not Tunisia or Egypt. The unrest there has gone beyond demonstrations and anti-government protests. So what do we call Libyans who are opposing strongman Moammar Gadhafi. Last week, CNN began using the word rebels. So did other news outlets. Does rebel have … Continue reading What's in a word?

New hope for a son of Libya

This is Bashir Al Megaryaf. He’s holding a poster demanding the release of his father, imprisoned in a Libyan jail for two decades. Bashir was only 1 when his father was detained. He has not seen him since. But he has new hope in his heart that the two may be together again as the Libyan uprising against strongman Moammar Gadhafi gathers steam. Bashir was … Continue reading New hope for a son of Libya