Sherry Johnson is fighting to end child marriage.

Yes, child marriage still happens in America

Few people perceive America as being a land where child marriage occurs. But it does. I did not know what a persistent problem it was until I came upon Sherry Johnson, who was raped repeatedly at 8, had a baby at 10 and was forced to marry one of her rapists at 11. It happened in Florida. My homeland is India, which leads the world … Continue reading Yes, child marriage still happens in America

First-person fire

In my 30 years as a journalist, I’ve written a lot about victims. Many sorts of victims. Of war. Murder. Illness. Natural disasters. And man-made ones. I always try to be sensitive and to highlight the incredible resiliency of human beings. I was lucky enough to have won a Dart-Ochberg Fellowship from the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma. I learned many things during that … Continue reading First-person fire

A very difficult story

I have reported difficult stories before. It was never easy to tell tales of tragedy from places like Iraq. But a piece that published on today is the hardest story I’ve ever told. Because it became very personal. Because it was raw. The producer, the photographer, the cameraman who went with me to Maharashtra for this story had no idea how I was feeling. … Continue reading A very difficult story