Heading West: Grand Tetons

We drive out of Yellowstone through the south gate. For a few moments, the drive seems, well, boring compared to the visual feast that was before us all day long. But then, the highway bends and offers a glimpse of the peaks that form the Grand Tetons. Jagged mountains that rise a mile high from the ground, like gothic cathedrals reaching skyward. We check into … Continue reading Heading West: Grand Tetons

Heading West: Winter in June and Buffalo Bill

We leave Deirdre’s house early in the morning. We have a long way to go. We drive up Interstate 25, stop in Buffalo and then, Sheridan. It’s Memorial Day and the town is shut down. Even the J.C. Penney is closed. There’s a steady drizzle and I keep hoping that any moment, the sun will poke through the clouds. But not looking good today. We … Continue reading Heading West: Winter in June and Buffalo Bill

Heading West: Deirdre and her cowboy

<img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 20 0px; height: 150px;” src=”http://evilreporterchick.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/deirdre32.jpg?w=300″ border=”0″ alt=””id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5616037014890889698″ />We meet Deirdre Stoelze Graves in Casper on a day when the clouds have given way to sun for a few moments and the wind is blowing like it always does in Wyoming. Deirdre came out here many years ago to get away from it all on the East coast. She … Continue reading Heading West: Deirdre and her cowboy

Wild West: first stop

From Denver airport, we drive to Steamboat Springs — a place that is as pretty as its name sounds. The slopes are closed for the summer but plenty of people are still around. As is the snow atop the mountains. On this day, everyone is excited about the sun. It’s the first day in a while that the wet stuff has stopped, the clouds have … Continue reading Wild West: first stop